Saturday, 31 January 2015

Stop the Stigma

So, this blog post is one that is slightly more serious than usual. Last week I watched Jack Harries' most recent video, and it inspired me to write this blog post. I've linked the video for you guys to watch if you like, but overall it was about ending the negative stigma attached to mental illness.

For as long as I can remember, I've suffered from anxiety. I experience these anxious feelings everyday, but during stressful periods of my life they are a lot worse. It's hard to face the world when you have an ongoing battle between how you want to feel and how you really feel. But it is even harder when people are constantly judging you and making assumptions about your life.

I agree with Jack Harries when he says that we must speak out. People shouldn't be ashamed of themselves. Having a mental illness such as anxiety, depression or eating disorder shouldn't determine who you are, it's only a small part of you. So, it's time we speak  out about mental health, and no longer be ashamed.

If you suffer from a mental illness and need some help and advice, then here are a few helpful links. Don't suffer in silence. You are loved<3.

Find me on Twitter (@dxni_lee) and Instagram (@dxni.lee). 
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